Generate it with: $ sudo localedef -c -i hi_IN -f UTF-8 hi_IN.UTF-8 List the all supported (available for generation) locales: $ localedef -list-archiveįind the desired locale, for example: localedef -list-archive | grep hi_IN.utf8 Now you should see it in the list of available locales: $ locale -a | grep fr_FR.utf8 Generate it with: $ sudo locale-gen fr_FR.UTF-8 List the all supported (available for generation) locales: $ cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTEDįind the desired locale, for example: $ grep fr_FR.UTF-8 /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED Now you should see it in the list of available locales: $ locale -a | grep de_DE.utf8 Generate it with: $ sudo locale-gen de_DE.UTF-8 List the all supported (available for generation) locales: $ cat /etc/locale.genįind the desired locale, for example: $ grep de_DE.UTF-8 /etc/locale.gen
#Smartpls 3 language settings install
If you didn’t find the desired language or encoding in the list of enabled locales, you can search for them in the list of all supported locales and install whatever you need. New locale: Before a locale can be enabled on the system, it must be generated. Australian English with UTF-8 encoding is defined as: en_AU.UTF-8 Add New Locale Locale is defined in the following LANGUAGEĬharacter set or encoding identifier, like ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8Į.g. To list all enabled locales, run: $ locale -a
#Smartpls 3 language settings how to
You will also see how to set locale and language temporary for the current session only as well as permanently for a single user or for the all users (change default system locale).Ĭool Tip: Determine and change a file’s character encoding from the command line in Linux! The best solution for converting text files between different charsets! Read more → Locale and Language SettingsĮxecute locale command to get the information about the current locale and language settings: $ locale I will show how to check the current locale and language settings and how to get the list of available locals.

Locales are used in Linux to define which language and character set (encoding) user see in the terminal.įrom this article you will learn how to check and change the current locale and language settings from the command line in Linux.